This enhanced version of the
Acoustical FAQ file is provided by,
acoustical consultants, as a public service to foster the
worldwide dissemination of acoustical
| /////under minor editorial
revision 9 JUL 01 AJC.
For global compatibility, only ASCII
symbols are used.
- To make acoustics accessible to a
wider public.
- To encourage cooperation within the
acoustics community.
Disclaimer: No warranty is made for the
accuracy of the contents of this FAQ.
Table of Contents (Key Word Index is found in Section
Credits (see 10])
Resource Pointers
What acoustics related news groups and FAQs are there?
What World Wide Web sites are there? 1.3
What acoustics software is available on the Net?
What acoustics books and journals are there?
Basic Acoustics
What is sound? 2.2
What is a decibel (dB)? 2.3
How is sound measured? 2.4
What does dB(A) or "A-Weighted" mean? 2.5
How do sound levels add? 2.6
How does the ear work? 2.7
At what level does sound become unsafe? 2.8
What is sound intensity? 2.9
How does sound decay with distance? 2.10
What is the sound power level? 2.10.1
How is sound power measured? 2.11
What is the speed of sound in air, water ..?
What is meant by loudness?
What is vibration? 3.2
How is vibration measured? 3.3
How is vibration isolated and controlled?
What is Seismic (Earthquake) protection?
Architectural & Building Acoustics
What is reverberation time? 4.2
What is the sound absorption coefficient?
What is the difference between insulation & absorption?
How is sound insulation measured? 4.5
How do I improve the noise insulation of my house/dwelling?
How does acoustics affect classrooms and meeting rooms?
5] Reserved
Miscellaneous Questions
What is active noise control? 6.2
What causes a sonic boom? 6.3
Can you focus sound? 6.4
What is sonoluminescence? 6.5
Why does blowing over a bottle make a note?
What is pitch? 6.7
What are musical intervals? 6.8
What causes "helium voice"? 6.9
What is structural acoustics? 6.10
What is the Doppler effect? 6.11
What is white noise, pink noise? 6.12
When should stranded wire be used for audio cables in a PA system?
What is the "electrical skin effect"?
Weighting Tables
Formulae for computing A Weighting and 1/3-octave frequencies.
Table of A, C and U Weightings.
List of National Acoustic Societies
1] Resource Pointers
*** 1.1 What acoustic related news groups and FAQs are
- started by Angelo Campanella - now the principal group for
discussion of acoustics topics. Ang's CV is at URL http://www.CampanellaAcoustics.Com/angelo.htm
news:sci.physics - general
physics but occasionally acoustics related questions are
posted. - includes
discussion on audio equipment, speakers etc. There are other groups which may be of interest.
and - groups for sufferers of these
news:bionet.audiology - matters
relating to hearing and hearing loss
news:uk.people.deaf news:alt.society.deaf - usenet seems an ideal
communication medium.
news:comp.dsp - the group for
people interested in computing digital signal processing solutions,
FFTs FIRs IIRs etc.
news:comp.speech - speech
recognition and simulation -
various discussion of use of internal sound cards in IBM compatible
The main archive site for all usenet
FAQs is
A list of mirror sites (including
html) for the Acoustics FAQ is at
The Active Noise Control FAQ by Chris
Ruckman is at
The Tinnitus FAQ deals with a range of
hearing disorders. It is available at
The Audio FAQ, with everything you
ever wanted to know about the subject, from preamplifiers to
speakers and listening room acoustics. It is located in the
pub/usenet/* directories
The comp.speech faq has information on
speech processing and some software links
*** 1.2 What World Wide Web sites are
(virtual lib for acoustics
& vibration with useful links)
(simple acoustics
introduction from David Worrall)
(theoretical basic
acoustics lecture notes; difficult stuff like the wave equation etc,
in hypertext for browsing, or gzipped Postscript format for
(Acoustical Society of
America home page with several links and comprehensive career
section, book lists and Society info etc)
(Angelo Farina has
published a variety of papers - some are available in zipped MSWord
(European Acoustics
(Institute of Noise
Control Engineering home page)
(Steve Ekblad's extensive
audio related BBS and Internet list)
(Technical societies,
conferences etc etc but not specifically acoustics related)
(main ISO standards
(national standards
organizations addresses)
(official ANSI
ISO Technical Committee 43
- all areas of acoustics and acoustical measurements.
Sunbcommittee 1 deals with
measurements including sound power. Subcommitte 2 deals with acoustical properties
of buildings.
American Society for
Testing and materials (ASTM) Committee E-33 "Environmental
Acoustics". Deals with all
aspects of building acoustics and some community noise
Some of the better search
(can also be used as Usenet posting gateway)
or use your nearest Archie site to
look for files you want.
*** 1.3 What acoustics software is available on the
- This is a computational acoustics resource site by Stephen
Kirkup containing Fortran Software implementing the Boundary Element
Method (BEM) for the solution of a range of acoustic
A range of programs available for
downloading from the Simtel archive.
Spectrogram 4.12 - Accurate
real time Win95 spectrum analysis program (freeware) by Richard
Horne is at a few sites including:
The comp.speech faq has several
links to speech related software including speech recognition and
text to speech programs.
There are a few programs for various
platforms listed at URL
The programs listed are mainly for sound analysis and
Some software is available for audio
systems design at URL
Odeon is a program for
architectural acoustics. A demonstration version is available by
ftp. The demo includes a large database for coefficients of
absorption. A web page at URL
describes the capabilities of the program and gives the ftp
Also some interactive acoustics
software (e.g. room acoustics, RT, decibel conversion etc.) is
available at a couple of sites.
CATT Auralization - demo version of CATT-Acoustic (room
acoustics prediction / auralization). A free download version is
available on the Web site, but it lacks a small key file which can
be transfered via e-mail in return for name, address and
company/organization affiliation. See .
(4-98 per Bengt-Inge Dalenback * Mariagatan 16A * S-41471 Gothenburg
phn/fax: +46 31145154)
*** 1.4 What acoustics books and journals are
There is a large range of books
available on the subject. Generally the choice of book will depend
on which approach and subject area is of interest. A few books are
listed below:
>>Introduction to
Sound >>Speaks,
C Good foundation for
acoustics principles
>>Acoustics Source
Book >>Parker, S
(editor) Basic
introductory articles on many topics discussed in the
alt.sci.physics.acoustics group. Old book - technology a bit
>>The Science of
Sound >>Rossing,
T Introductory book on
acoustics, music and audio
>>Fundamentals of
Acoustics >>Kinsler, L Frey, A et al.
Good overall coverage of acoustics
but includes lots of theory
>>Acoustics ...
>>Pierce, A
Classic advanced text - lots of
>>Engineering Noise
Control >>Bies, D
& Hansen, C Practically biased with examples. Partially
updated and corrected.
>>Handbook of Acoustical
Measurements and Noise Control >>Harris C (editor) Comprehensive practical reference
>>Vibration and
Sound Morse,
P Comprehensive theory of
acoustic waves and vibration in materials. Good fundamentals reference book.
A list of recently reviewed
noise-related books is at URL
Some Journals
Applied Acoustics (UK - 12 per
year) Acoustics Bulletin
(UK - every 2 months) Acta
Acustica (P.R.China) Acta Acustica / Acustica (Europe - 6 per
year) Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America (monthly) Journal of the Acoustical Society of
Japan (E) (English edn - 2 months) Acoustics Australia (3 per year)
Journal of Sound &
Vibration (UK - weekly) Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
(US - 10 per year) Noise Control Engineering
(US - every 2 months) Technical Acoustics
| Definitions used: | |
10^(-5) indicates 10 raised to the power of minus 5 | 1.0E-12 indicates 1.0 x 10^(-12)
| 1 pW indicates 1 picowatt i.e.
1.0E-12 Watt | W/m^2 indicates
Watts per square metre | lg
indicates logarithm to base 10 | sqrt indicates the square root of
| pi = 3.142 | Lw is sound power level, the w is
Basic Acoustics
*** 2.1 What is sound?
Sound is the quickly varying pressure
wave within a medium that can travel widely in that medium. We
usually mean audible sound, which is the sensation (as detected by
the ear) of very small rapid changes in the air pressure above and
below a static value. This "static" value is atmospheric pressure
(about 100,000 Pascals) which does nevertheless vary slowly, as
shown on a barometer. Associated with the sound pressure wave is a
flow of energy. Sound is often represented diagrammatically as a
sine wave, but physically sound (in air) is a longitudinal wave
where the wave motion is in the direction of the movement of energy.
The wave crests can be considered as the pressure maxima whilst the
troughs represent the pressure minima.
How small and rapid are the changes
of air pressure which cause sound? When the rapid variations in pressure occur
between about 20 and 20,000 times per second (i.e. at a frequency
between 20Hz and 20kHz) sound is potentially audible even though the
pressure variation can sometimes be as low as only a few tens of
millionths of a Pascal. Movements of the ear drum as small as the
diameter of a hydrogen atom can be audible! Louder sounds are caused
by greater variation in pressure. A sound wave of one Pascal
amplitude, for example, will sound quite loud, provided that most of
the acoustic energy is in the mid-frequencies (1kHz - 4kHz) where
the human ear is most sensitive. It is commonly accepted that the
threshold of human hearing for a 1 kHz sound wave is about 20
What makes sound?
Sound is produced when the air is
disturbed in some way, for example by a vibrating object. A speaker
cone from a high fidelity system serves as a good illustration. It
may be possible to see the movement of a bass speaker cone,
providing it is producing very low frequency sound. As the cone
moves forward the air immediately in front is compressed causing a
slight increase in air pressure, it then moves back past its rest
position and causes a reduction in the air pressure (rarefaction).
The process continues so that a wave of alternating high and low
pressure is radiated away from the speaker cone at the speed of
*** 2.2 What is a decibel (dB)?
The decibel is a logarithmic unit for
ratios that is used in a number of scientific disciplines. Other
examples are the Richter scale for earthquake event energy and pH
for hydrogen ion concentration in liquids.
In all cases the logarithmic measure
is used to compare the quantity of interest with a reference value,
often the smallest likely value of the quantity. Sometimes that
reference can be an approximate or average value.
Most often in common acoustics, the
decibel is used to compare the sound pressure level (SPL) in
air with a reference pressure. The reference level for sound
intensity (I), sound power level (PWL) and sound pressure in water
are amongst others that are in common use: Reference sound pressure (in air) = 0.00002 = 2E-5 Pa (rms)
" " intensity = 0.000000000001 = 1E-12 W/m^2
" " power = 0.000000000001 = 1E-12 W
" " pressure (water) = 0.000001 = 1E-6 Pa
Acousticians use the dB scale for the following reasons: 1) Quantities of interest often exhibit such
huge ranges of variation that a dB scale is more convenient than a
linear scale. For example, sound pressure radiated by a submarine
may vary by eight orders of magnitude depending on direction;
expression in linear uniits carryies with it the confusion of the
location of the decimal point. Decibels vaues are
characteristrically between only -999 to +999.
2) The human ear interprets loudness
more easily represented with a logarithmic scale than with a linear
*** 2.3 How is sound measured?
A sound level meter (SLM) is the
principal instrument for general noise measurement. The indication
on a SLM (aside from weighting considerations) indicates the sound
pressure, p, as a level referenced to 0.00002 Pa, calibrated on a
decibel scale.
Sound Pressure Level = 20 x lg
(p/0.00002) dB
Often, the "maximum" level and
sometimes the "peak" level of the sound being measured is quoted.
During any given time interval the peak level will be numerically
greater than the maximum level and the maximum level will be
numerically greater than the (rms) sound pressure
*** 2.4 What does dB(A) or "A-Weighted" mean?
A sound level meter that measures the
sound pressure level with a "flat" response will indicate the
strength of low frequency sound with the same emphasis as higher
frequency sounds. Yet our ear perceives low frequency sound to be of
less loudness that higher frequency sound. The eardrum-
stapes-circular window system behaves like a mechanical transformer
with a finite pass band. In EE parlance, the "3 dB" rollover
frequencies are approximately 500 Hz on the low end and 8 kHz on the
high end. By using an electronic filter of attenuation equal to that
apparently offered by the human ear for sound each frequency (the
40-phon response curve), the sound level meter will now report a
numerical value proportional to the human perception of the strength
of that sound independent of frequency. Section 8.2 shows a table of
these weightings.
Unfortunately, human perception of
loudness vis-a-vis frequency changes with loudness. When sound is
very loud - 100 dB or more, the perception of loudness is more
consistent across the audible frequency band. "B" and "C" Weightings
reflect this trend. "B" Weighting is now little-used, but
C-Weighting has achieved prominence in evaluating annoying community
noises such as low frequency sound emitted by artillery fire and
outdoor rock concerts. C-Weighting is also tabulated in
The first electrical sound meter was
reported by George W Pierce in Proceedings of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences, v 43 (1907-8) A couple of decades later the
switch from horse-drawn vehicles to automobiles in cities led to
large changes in the background noise climate. The advent of
"talkies" - film sound - was a big stimulus to sound meter patents
of the time, but there was still no standard method of sound
measurement. "Noise" (unwanted sound) became a public
The first tentative standard for sound
level meters (Z24.3) was published by the American Standards
Association in 1936, sponsored by the Acoustical Society of America.
The tentative standard shows two frequency weighting curves "A" and
"B" which were modeled on the response of the human ear to low and
high levels of sound respectively.
With the coming of the Walsh-Healy act
in 1969, the A-Weighting of sound was defacto presumed to be the
"appropriate" weighting to represent sound level as a single number
(rather than as a spectrum). With the advent of US FAA and US EPA
interests in the '70's, the dBA metric was also adapted by them.
(Along with the dBA metric has come an associated shortfall in
precision in accurately presetning the capacity of a given sound to
produce hearing loss and the capacity to create
[Editor's Note: A single number metric
such as dBA is more easily understood by legal and administrative
officials, so that promulgation, enforcement and administrative
criteria and actions are understandable by more parties, often at
the expense of a more precise comprehension and engineering action
capability. For instance, enforcement may be on a dBA basis, but
noise control design demands the octave-band or even third-octave
band spectral data metric.]
The most commonly referenced weighting
is "A-Weighting" dB(A), which is similar to that originally defined
as Curve "A" in the 1936 standard. "C-Weighting" dB(C), which is
used occasionally, has a relatively flat response. ""U-Weighting""
is a recent weighting which is used for measuring audible sound in
the presence of ultrasound, and can be combined with A-Weighting to
give AU-Weighting. The A-Weighting formula is given in section 8 of
this FAQ file.
In addition to frequency weighting,
sound pressure level measurement can be time-weighted as the
"Fast", "Slow" or "Impulse" response. Measurements of sound pressure
level with A-Weighting and fast response are also known as the
"sound level".
Many modern sound level meters can
measure the average sound energy over a given time. this metric is
called the "equivalent continuous sound level" (L sub eq). More
recently, it has become customary in some circles to presume that
this sound measurement was A-Weighted if no weighting descriptor is
*** 2.5 How are decibel sound levels
If there are two uncorrelated sound
sources in a room - for example a radio producing an average sound
level of 62.0 dB, and a television producing a sound level of 73.0
dB - then the total decibel sound level is a logarithmic sum
Combined sound level = 10 x lg (
10^(62/10) + 10^(73/10) )
= 73.3 dB
Note: for two different sounds, the
combined level cannot be more than 3 dB above the higher of the two
sound levels. However, if the sounds are phase related
("correlated") there can be up to a 6dB increase in
*** 2.6 How does the ear work?
The eardrum is connected by three
small jointed bones in the air-filled middle ear to the oval window
of the inner ear or cochlea, a fluid- filled spiral shell about one
and a half inches in length. Over 10,000 hair cells on the basilar
membrane along the cochlea convert minuscule movements to nerve
impulses, which are transmitted by the auditory nerve to the hearing
center of the brain.
The basilar membrane is wider at its
apex than at its base near the oval window; the cochlea tapers
towards its apex. Groups of the delicate hair sensors on the
membrane, which membrane varies in stiffness along its length,
respond to different frequencies transmitted down the spiral. The
hair sensors are one of the few cell types in the body which do not
regenerate. They can therefore be irreparably damaged by large noise
doses. Refer to the Tinnitus FAQ for more information on associated
hearing disorders.
*** 2.7 At what level does sound become
It is strongly recommended, to avoid
unprotected exposure to sound pressure levels above 100dBA. Use
hearing protection when exposed to levels above 85dBA (about the
sound level of a lawn mower when you are pushing it over a grassy
surface), and especially when prolonged exposure (more than a
fraction of an hour) is expected. Damage to hearing from loud noise
is cumulative and is irreversible. Exposure to high noise levels is
also one of the main causes of tinnitus.
The safety aspects of ultrasound scans
are the subject of ongoing investigation. One metric that has been
expressed is that exposure to utrasound should not exceed 85dB in
the 16kHz octave band.
Health hazards also result from
extended exposure to vibration. An example is "white finger"
disease, which is found amongst workers who frequently use hand-held
machinery such as chain saws.
*** 2.8 What is sound intensity?
Sound intensity is expressed in
decibels with respect to one pico-watt (10^-12 watts) per square
meter. This is very nearly* numerically equal to the sound pressure
level (SPL) in decibels when measures one foor from the noise source
(viz. the inlet of a noisy fan) . An intenisty estimate using
SPL-only presumes no standing waves or reflections where the
effective impedance can differ from that of free space air. In its
complete form, intensity include the unit vector of the propagation
direction, i.e. intensity is a vector quantity.
*For a plane wave, the sound power
that passes through a surface of A square meters is defined as the
ratio of the pressure squared to the air impedance
I = p^2/(rho*c)
When combined with the propagation
unit vector, this defines the rate of sound energy transmitted in a
specified direction per unit area normal to the direction. When
measured in practical units, we can compute intensity after the
relation that
Numerically, the sound intensity is
related to the sound power as follows: In free air space, a source
emitting Lw dB re 1 picowatt produces the sound pressure level Lp at
a distance R feet as
At a one foot radius, that sound power
is distributed over a surface of 4*pi = 12.57 square feet or
(*.3048^2=.0920*) 1.17 square meters. 10log1.17=0.7dB. So within 0.1
dB, the coincidence exists that the sound intensity in picowatts per
square meter is numerically equal to the sound pressure level in
NOTE: This identity holds true only
when the impedance, rho*c is exactly 400 mks rayls. This occurs for
sea-level at 39 degrees C. For 22 C, rho*c = 412; a 0.13 dB
difference arises. But at higher elevations, air density decreases
for a given temperature. At an elevation of 840 feet above sea
level, rho*c reduces to 400 at 22 C. (fortunate for much of
Midwestern US!). The 0.13 dB difference at sea level is not usually
significant for acoustical measurements.
Sound intensity meters are popular for
determining the quantity and location of sound energy
*** 2.9 How does sound decay with
distances large compared to the size of the source, sound intensity
diminishes according to the inverse square law.
I = Io/D^2
This is relatively simple to reliably
calculate, provided the source is small and outdoors where no echoes
occur. (But indoor calculations in a reverberant field are rather
more complex. )
If the noise source is outdoors and
its dimensions are small compared with the distance to the
monitoring position (ideally a point source), then as the sound
energy is radiated it will spread over an area which is proportional
to the square of the distance. This is an 'inverse square law' where
the sound level will decline by 6dB for each doubling of
Line noise sources such as a long line
of moving traffic will radiate noise in cylindrical pattern, so that
the area covered by the sound energy spread is directly proportional
to the distance and the sound will decline by 3dB per doubling of
Close to a source (the near field) the
change in SPL will not follow the above laws because the spread of
energy is less, and smaller changes of sound level with distance
should be expected.
If the observation position very close
to the source, at a distance that is small compared to the size of
the source, the sound level changes very little with location in
that source area. One may be able to determine the "virtual center"
of the whole sound field, whence inverse square law calculations can
proceed in reference to that distance, for locations outside the
source area.
The surrounding environment,
especially close to the ground, and in the presence of wind &
vertical temperature gradients, has a great effect on the sound
received at a distant location. Ground reflection affects sound
levels more than a few feet away (distances greater than the height
of the sound source or the receiver above the ground). Wind and air
temperature gradients affect all sound propagation beyond 100 meters
over the surface of the earth. Sound propages well downwind
(traveling with the wind), and very lirrle upwind. When the ground
surface is cooler than the air just above it ("inversion"),
typically late at night and just before dawn, sound will travel
great ditances across the landscape even without any
In addition it is always necessary to
take into account attenuation due to the absorption of sound by the
air, which may be substantial at higher frequencies. For ultrasound,
air absorption may well be the dominant factor in the
*** 2.10 What is the sound power level?
(See ACCULAB Reference Sound Source on
this site:
Sound power level, Lw, is often quoted
on machinery to indicate the total sound energy radiated per second.
It is quoted in decibels with respect to the reference power level.
The reference level is 1pico-watt (pW) [1x10^(-12) watts]. One watt
of radiated sound power is represented as "Lw=120 dB re one
picowatt". If the reported sound power is in terms of A-Weighted
spectral weighting, a suffix, A, is applied to form
The sound pressure level (SPL)
resulting from sound power (Lw) being radiated into free space, e.g.
over a paved surface, is computed from SPL = Lw - 20*log(R) - 11 dB re 20 uPa (R in meters)
SPL = Lw - 20*log(r) - 0.7 dB re 20 uPa (r in feet)
If instead the sound is emitted
over a reflecting plane such as a hard surface, three (3) decibels
are added to the SPL.
For example, a lawn mower with sound
power level 100 dB(A) will produce at a sound pressure level (SPL)
of about 89dB(A) at the operator (you) position over grass and 92
dB(A) when the mower is operated over a hard surface such as your
driveway. At your neighbor's yard 50 feet (15m) away, the SPL will
be is 65 dBA.
*** 2.10.1 How is sound power measured?
Sound power is usually measured
indirectly as the sound pressure level found at a specific distance,
and in every direction that sound can be radiated. The sound power
emitted by Items that can be carried to a laboratory is usually
measured in a hemi-anechoic room or a reverberation
Either the "comparison" or the
"direct" method is used.
In the comparison method, the SPL that
the item causes in that room is compared the SPL created by a
standard "Reference Sound Source" (see the 'Acculab' portion of this
web page) to determine the sound power emitted by the item. This is
the most common and economical method.
In the direct method two processes may
apply. For the hemianechoic method, the SPL is measured in every
direction on a surface encompassing the test item. These
measurements are then combined to compute the emitted sound power.
For the reverberation room, the SPL is measured at several locations
in the that room, then averaged. The sound power is computed from
that average as:
PWL = SPL + 10Log(A)-C.
A = absorption in the reverberation
room, sabins or square meters. C = 16.3 for A as sabins (square feet)
C = 6.2 for A in square
See ISO Technical
Committee Web Site for acoustical measurement
*** 2.11 What is the speed of sound in air & water
**** AIR
A convenient formula for the speed of
sound in air is
c = 20*sqrt(273 + T), T in Centigrade
and c in meters/sec
c = 49*sqrt(459 + T), T in Fahrenheit
and c in feet/sec
The speed of sound in air at a
temperature of 0 degrees C and 50% relative humidity is 331.6 m/s.
The speed is proportional to the square root of absolute temperature
and it is therefore about 12 m/s greater at 20 degrees C. The speed
is nearly independent of frequency and atmospheric pressure but the
resultant sound velocity relative to the ground may be substantially
altered by wind velocity.
A good approximation for the speed of
sound in other gases at standard temperature and pressure can be
obtained from
c = sqrt (gamma x P
/ rho)
where gamma is the ratio of specific
heats, P is 1.013E5 Pa and rho is the density.
**** WATER ****
The speed of sound in water is
approximately 1500 m/s. It is possible to measure changes in ocean
temperature by observing the resultant change in speed of sound over
long distances. The speed of sound in an ocean is
c = 1449.2 + 4.6T - 0.055T^2 +
0.00029T^3 + (1.34-0.01T)(S-35) + 0.016z
T temperature in degrees Celsius, S
salinity in parts per thousand z is depth in meters
See also CRC Handbook of Chemistry
& Physics for some other substances and Dushaw & Worcester
JASA (1993) 93, pp255-275 for sea water.
*** 2.12 What is meant by loudness?
Loudness is the human impression of
the strength of a sound. The loudness of a noise does not
necessarily correlate with its sound level. Loudness level of any
sound, in phons, is the decibel level of an equally loud 1kHz tone,
heard binaurally by an otologically normal listener. Historically,
it was with a little reluctance that a simple frequency weighting
"sound level meter" was accepted as giving a satisfactory
approximation to loudness. The ear senses noise on a different basis
than simple energy summation, and this can lead to discrepancy
between the loudness of certain repetitive sounds and their sound
A 10dB sound level increase is
perceived to be about "twice as loud" in many cases. The sone is a
unit of comparative loudness with
0.5 sone = 30 phons,
1 sone = 40 phons,
2 sones = 50 phons,
4 sones = 60 phons etc.
The sone "10dB rule"
is inappropriate at very low and high sound levels where human
subjective perception does not follow it.
Loudness level calculations take
account of "masking" - the process by which the audibility of one
sound is reduced due to the presence of another at a close
frequency. The redundancy principles of masking are applied in
digital audio broadcasting (DAB), leading to a considerable saving
in bandwidth with no perceptible loss in quality.
3] Vibration
*** 3.1 What is vibration?
When something moves periodically
about a static position it can be said to vibrate. Examples of
unwanted vibration are the movement of a building near a railway
line when a train passes, or the vibration of the floor caused by a
washing machine or spin dryer. Floor vibration can be reduced with
vibration isolators, sometimes at the risk of increased machinery
vibration and subsequent deterioration.
*** 3.2 How is vibration
Vibration is often measured with an
accelerometer. This is a device that is securely attached to the
surface under investigation. The accelerometer produces an
electrical charge proportional to the surface acceleration, which is
then amplified by a charge amplifier and recorded or observed with a
meter. The frequencies of interest are generally lower than sound,
and range from below 1 Hz to about 1 kHz.
It is sometimes more useful to know
the vibrational velocity or displacement. Often, moving coil
transducers are used to directly measure vibrational velocity. A
single integration of that signal provides a measure of
If only an accelerometer is available,
it is necessary to integrate the acceleration signal once for
velocity and twice for displacement. If the vibration is sinusoidal
at a known frequency, f, then an integration is calculated by
dividing the original by 2 x pi x f (noting that there is also an
associated phase change).
Example: A machine is vibrating
sinusoidally at 79.6 Hz with an rms acceleration of 10
Its rms velocity is therefore 10/(2 x
pi x 79.6) = 20 mm/s Its rms
displacement is 10/(4 x pi^2 x 79.6^2) = 0.04 mm
The final result may also be expressed
in terms of zero-to-peak, which is found as the square root of two
[sqrt(2)] times the rms value. The peak-to-peak value is twice again
Thus, one has three measures
(acceleration, velocity, displacement) and three scales (rms, 0-p,
p-p) totalling nine possible explicit measures of one and the same
vibration. Couple that with three possible directions (E-W, N-S,
up-down) one faces 27 separate possible values... and then there are
inches, mils, microns and millimeters... Needless to say, one must
be eternally vigilant and explicit in their vibration
measurement and reporting nomenclature!
*** 3.3 How is vibration isolated
or controlled?
Vibration problems are solved by
considering the system as a number of connected springs and masses
with damping. The vibration source is included within, e.g. the
engine of a motor car, or the environment on which this assembly is
mounted is presumed to vibrate, e.g. a scanning electron
If the vibration is produced by a
motor inside a machine, it is necessary that the natural frequency
of the supporting system is well below frequency of motor
oscillations (the forcing frequency). This is achieved by increasing
the mass or decreasing the stiffness of the system as
The method of vibration isolation is
demonstrated with a weight held from a rubber band. If the band is
moved up and down very slowly the suspended weight will move by the
same amount. At resonance the weight will move much more and
possibly in the opposite direction. But as the frequency of vertical
movement is further increased, the weight will become almost
stationary. Springs are more often used in compression than
Intuitive attempts to reduce vibration
from machinery can sometimes instead aggravate the problem. This is
especially true when care was originally taken to minimize vibration
at the time of design, manufacture and
Another method of vibration control is
to cancel the forces involved using a Dynamic Vibration Absorber.
Here an additional "tuned" mass-spring combination is added so that
it exerts a force equal and opposite to the unwanted vibration. They
are only appropriate when the vibration is of a fixed
frequency. Recently,
"Active Vibration Control", using techniques akin to Active Noise
Control has evolved. This senses the unwanted vibration of a
structural member to produce a reversed phase signal to drive a
transducer attached to the same member to counter the motion. In
that way, for instance, the vibration of rolling wheels of a vehicle
is prevented from being transmitted into the body of that vehicle
through the chassis
*** 3.4 What is Seismic
(Earthquake) protection? Earthquates can produce vertical and
sidewise vibrations up tp perhaps one G or more, though it is
usually much less. The immedaite concerns can be divided into two
categories,"operating, basic earthwuake" (OBE) and "safe shutdown
earthquake" (SSE). OBE protection seeks to have equipment operate
during and survive an earthquake. SSE protection merely assures that
equipment that shuts down dring an earthquake will survive to be
used another day. Unfortunately, the amount of vibration items
experience in a bulding can be worsened by that building, the higher
in the building, the worse the vibration amplitude, since the
elasticity of the joists and columns act as springs, only to
resonate with the masses supported at anywhere from 5 Hz to 15
Hz. The best place to be is in the basement, on bedrock.
Equipment bolted to the floor and walls ("hard-mounted"),
survive best, provided the bolts, walls or floor do not break.
Equipent mounted on isolator springs are particulaly vulnerable
since those soft isolators easily allow the equipment to sway due to
the earthqauke, only to suddenly crash into the spreing stops or
nearby objects. Special seismic isolator springs containing soft
stops (like the rubber stops accompanying automobile suspension
springs) that cushion the impact.
4] Architectural & Building Acoustics
*** 4.1 What is reverberation time?
The time for sound in a room to decay
60 decibels. Scientific work on room acoustics was pioneered by
Wallace Clement Sabine 1868-1919 (see his Collected Papers on
Acoustics, 1922). The reverberation time, T, is defined as the time
taken for sound energy to decay in a room by a factor of one million
in energy (60 dB). It is dependent on the room volume and the
total amount of sound absorption contained in the room. In metric
units 0.161 x room Volume
T = ----------------------------------------------
sum of Surface areas x absorption coefficients
In US English units, dimensions are
in feet and the constant is 0.049.
*** 4.2 What is the sound
absorption coefficient?
The absorption coefficient of a
material is ideally the fraction of the randomly incident sound
power which is absorbed, or otherwise not reflected. It is standard
practice to measure the coefficient at the preferred octave
frequencies over the range of at least 125Hz - 4kHz.
It can be determined on small material
samples with an "impedance tube" or on large samples in a laboratory
"reverberation room". The impedance tube evaluates sound absorption
at normal incidence only, and produces absorption values that are
sightly lower than those found in the reverberation room where the
"Sabine coefficient" is measured over a wide range of incidence
For the purposes of architectural
design, the Sabine coefficient is preferred, though the normal
incidence absorption may be used in the absence of any other
information. Interestingly some absorbent materials are found to
have a Sabine coefficient in excess of unity at higher frequencies.
This is due to diffraction effects. Where this occurs the value can
be taken at face value for small material patches and as 1.0 for
very large absorbers (entire walls). The Odeon computer program
includes a file of absorption coefficients.
*** 4.3 What is the difference
between sound absorption & sound
insulation ?
There is often confusion between sound
insulation and sound absorption.
Sound is absorbed when it encounters a
material which will convert some or all of it into heat, or which
allows it to pass through not to return. For this reason good sound
absorbers do not of themselves make good sound insulators. Sound
insulators rarely absorb sound. Sound absorbers contribute little to
sound insulation. They are treated separately in sound control
Sound insulation prevents sound from
traveling from one place to another, such as between apartments in a
building, or to reduce unwanted external noise inside a concert
hall. Heavy materials like concrete are the most effective materials
for sound insulation - doubling the mass per unit area of a wall
will improve its insulation by about 6dB. It is possible to achieve
good insulation over most of the audio frequency range with less
mass by instead using a double leaf partition (two independent walls
separated by an airgap filed with a sound absorber).
*** 4.4 How is sound insulation measured?
////The measurement method depends on
the particular situation. There are standards for the measurement of
the insulation of materials in the laboratory, and for a number of
different field circumstances. Usually
Test procedures (e.g. ASTM E-90 in the
lab and E336 in the field) generate a loud and consistent broadband
spectrum of steady noise on one side of a partition or specimen of
the material under test, then measure the amount of this sound that
passes through that material. The ratio of the incident sound to the
transmitted sound is the "noise reduction", usually expressed as 10
time the logarithm of this ratio. If the noise reduction is also
corrected for the amount of sound absorption to be found in the
receiving room, 10 times the logarithm of the corrected ratio is
called the "transmission loss. This is performed for 1/3 octave
bands of noise from 100 to 4000 Hz.
A single-number rating of that range
of noise reductions or transmission losses van be had by fitting
them to a segmented curve.
In North America, this procedure is
ASTM E413. The fitted range is from 125-4000 Hz. The value of that
curve at 500 Hz is called the Noise Isolation Class (NIC) or Sound
Transmission Class (STC) respectively. Internationally, ISO140-3
produces the noise reduction and transmission loss data in the same
way. But the single number rating is according to ISO 717 which uses
data in the 100-3150 Hz range. This single number rating is called
"R'" and "R" respectively.
Similar methods are applied to impact
("footfall") noise (a problem in multifamily residential buildings).
A standard tapping machine is used to hammer on the floor, lightly
and steadily at the rate of 10 taps per second. The sound pressure
level in the room below are measured. ASTM E492 and ISO 140-4 and
717 apply. (See ASTM e-33 Web Site
*** 4.5 How do I improve the noise insulation of my
This is one of the most commonly asked
questions of noise consultants. Firstly you should consider whether
it is noise insulation or sound absorption (see 4.3) that is really
required. Sound insulation is most often asked for in order to keep
out unwanted noise, but is occasionally requested for the purpose of
minimizing disturbance to others.
The method of noise insulation will
depend on the exact situation; generalities are extremely difficult
to devise. Situations are more often than not unique, depending on
the nature of the building infrastructure that the architect or his
informal successors have devised. More often than not, successful
noise isolation improvement requires the advice of a competent and
experiences person and at an early stage of the renovation. The
following ideas may serve as initial guidelines.
When the noise is from an external
source such as a main road it may be possible, if planning
authorities permit, to screen with a noise barrier. These can be
effective providing that the direct line of sight between traffic
and house is concealed by the barrier.
The weak point for sound transmission
to and from a building is most often via the windows. Double glazing
will usually afford noticeably better protection than single
glazing, but in areas of high external noise it might be preferable
to have double windows with a large air gap (25 to 100 mm) and
acoustic absorbent material on the perimeter reveal around that gap.
For a few people, the resultant lower room background noise level
can make noise transmitted through party walls more apparent. The
fitting of new windows may reduce the level of air ventilation, and
it will be vital to compensate for this, if necessary with by
improving the noise insulation of certain party walls.
Noise through party walls can be
reduced by the addition of a false wall. This is constructed from a
layer of sound insulating material, commonly plasterboard, separated
from the party wall by a large void containing acoustic quilting.
The false wall must not be connected to the party wall because that
would allow sound transmission paths. The quality of construction is
an important consideration if optimal levels of attenuation are
desired. It is advisable to contact an independent noise consultant
before allowing any building works to commence.
*** 4.5 How does acoustics affect classrooms and meeting
This question is less common, but now
known to be a significant factor in modern public education.
Basically, the degree that we hear well in a room depends on the
background noise level and the reverberation of sound in that room.
An example of a good listening environment is outdoors in a quiet
back yard in the country . Here, the background noise level can be
as low as 35 dBA and the reverberation time will be a tiny
fraction of a second, if any. A class or meeting of 20 to 30 persons
will proceed quite well, the group acting in harmony most if not all
of the time. Reparte` vital to learning can be rapid and
2-way. /////recompose the following The weak point for sound transmission to and
from a building is most often via the windows. Double glazing will
usually afford noticeably better protection than single glazing, but
in areas of high external noise it might be preferable to have
double windows with a large air gap (25 to 100 mm) and acoustic
absorbent material on the perimeter reveal around that gap. For a
few people, the resultant lower room background noise level can make
noise transmitted through party walls more apparent. The fitting of
new windows may reduce the level of air ventilation, and it will be
vital to compensate for this, if necessary with by improving the
noise insulation of certain party walls.
Noise through party walls can be
reduced by the addition of a false wall. This is constructed from a
layer of sound insulating material, commonly plasterboard, separated
from the party wall by a large void containing acoustic quilting.
The false wall must not be connected to the party wall because that
would allow sound transmission paths. The quality of construction is
an important consideration if optimal levels of attenuation are
desired. It is advisable to contact an independent noise consultant
before allowing any building works to commence.
Miscellaneous Questions
*** 6.1 What is active noise control?
ANC is an electronic method of
reducing or removing unwanted sound by the production of a pressure
wave of equal amplitude but opposite sign to the unwanted sound.
When the electronically produced inverse wave is added to original
unwanted sound the result is nil sound at that
This method of noise control is
sometimes considered a "cure-all" for noise problems. But this is
not the case. Noise cancellation in 3D spaces such as living areas
is difficult to impossible to achieve. However it can be more
successful locally, e.g. for a passenger sitting in an aircraft or
car. Many institutions world wide are developing technology to
increase the circumstances where ANC can be effective. The award
winning "Active Noise Control FAQ" is maintained by Chris Ruckman
and available at a number of sites worldwide including:
*** 6.2 What causes a sonic boom?
(from "Aircraft Noise" by Michael T
Smith, Cambridge, 1989)
" .. When the speed of an aircraft is
supersonic, the pressure waves cannot get away ahead of the aircraft
as their natural speed is slower than that of the aircraft. Slower,
in this context, means just over 1200 km/hr at sea level and about
10% less at normal cruising altitude. Because they cannot get away,
the pressure disturbances coalesce and lag behind the airplane,
which is in effect travelling at the apex of a conical shock wave.
The main shock wave is generated by the extreme nose of the
airplane, but ancillary shocks are generated by all the major
fuselage discontinuities. .. "
Ken Plotkin
( on 24th July 1995 wrote:
[snip] .. A body moving through the
air pushes the air aside. Small disturbances move away at the speed
of sound. Disturbances from a slowly moving body go out in circles,
like ripples from a pebble in a pond. If the body moves faster, the
circles are closer in the direction of travel. If the body is
supersonic, then the circles overlap. The envelope of circles forms
a cone. The vertex angle of the cone is determined by its vertex
moving in the travel direction of, and with the speed of the body,
while the circles grow at the sound speed. [snip] The existence of
the "Mach cone", "Mach waves" and the corresponding angle, was
discovered by Ernst Mach in the nineteenth century.
*** 6.3 Can you focus sound?
Sound can be focused like light, but
in the case of sound the "optics" must be much larger because you
are dealing with longer wavelengths. This effect is heard in some
domed buildings such as the Capitol in Washington, and St. Paul's
Cathedral in London providing noise background conditions
Large parabolic reflectors 1/2 meter
or more in diameter can be used to send and receive sound over
significant distances. Your local science museum or exploratorium
may have a demonstration of this method. It is also possible to
refract and focus sound with an "acoustical lens. The lens is
constructed from parallel plates which locally decrease the speed of
sound. Also, a large thin bubble, say 2 metres across, filled with
carbon dioxide will focus sound. The effect is not very
Sound can be directed by assembling
several loudspeakers in an organized array. See "Acoustics" by Leo
Beranek, 1954 and 1986, pp 93-115. This principle is used in column
speakers, and commercial systems for reducing noise levels outside
the dance floor area of discos.
*** 6.4 What is sonoluminescence?
In the early 1930s Frenzel and
Schultes discovered that photographic plates became "fogged" when
submerged in water exposed to high frequency sound. More recent
experiments have succeeded in suspending a single luminous pulsating
bubble in a standing wave acoustic field, visible in an undarkened
room. Generally sonoluminescence is light emission from small
cavitating bubbles of air or other gas in water or other fluids,
produced when the fluid is acted upon by intense high frequency
sound waves. The mechanism is not completely understood, but very
high pressures and temperatures are thought to be produced at the
center of the collapsing bubbles.
See "Science" 14 October 1994 page
233, "Scientific American" (International Edition) February 1995
Page 32 or "Physics Today" September 1994 Page 22, all quite
readable articles.
See also the following
James Davison ( on
28th June 1995 wrote:
[snip] .. I have been sufficiently
interested to reconstruct the apparatus for producing this effect --
using a pair of piezoelectric transducers, an old oscilloscope and a
signal wave generator -- materials costing only a few hundred
I am proud to say that tonight I
managed to reproduce this effect -- the tiny bubble has the
appearance of a tiny blue star trapped in the middle of the flask.
It is distinctly visible to the unadapted eye in a dark room, and it
is a very startling thing to see. [snip]
*** 6.5 Why does blowing over a bottle make a
Resonance in acoustics occurs when
some mass-spring combination is supplied with energy. Many musical
instruments rely on air resonance to improve their sonority. If you
blow across the mouth of a bottle you can often get a note. The
bottle behaves as a Helmholtz resonator. The main volume of air
inside the bottle is analogous to a spring, whilst the "plug" of air
in the neck acts as an attached mass. The resonant frequency is
roughly given by:
f = { c sqrt (S/LV) } /
c is velocity of sound
S is the surface area of the neck
opening V is bottle
volume L is the effective
length of the neck i.e. the actual length plus ends correction. Ends
correction ~ 1.5 times radius of neck opening
Example: A 75 cl (7.5E-4 m^3, approx.
a "fifth") sized wine bottle with neck diameter 19 mm, bottle neck
length 8 cm, air temp = 20 degrees C. The calculated resonant
frequency is 109Hz, actual resonance was 105Hz.
Helmholtz resonators are sometimes
employed as a means of passive noise control in air conditioning
ducts. They may also be hidden in the wall design of auditoria and
offices in order to improve the acoustics.
*** 6.6 What is pitch?
The term "pitch" has both a subjective
and an objective sense. Concert pitch is an objective term
corresponding to the frequency of a musical note A (at present
440Hz). Using such a standard will define the pitch of every other
note on a particular musical scale. For example, with Equal
Temperament each semi-tone is higher or lower in frequency than the
previous semi-tone by a factor of 2^(1/12). An octave is a pitch
interval of 2:1. Many sounds with no obvious tonal prominence are
considered by musicians to be of indeterminate pitch; for example,
the side drum, cymbals, triangle, castanets, tambourine, and the
spoken word.
Pitch is also a subjective frequency
ordering of sounds. Perceived pitch is dependent on frequency,
waveform and amplitude or changing amplitude. Numbers can be
assigned to perceived pitch relative to a pure frontal tone of
1000Hz at 40dB (1000 mels) thereby establishing a pitch
*** 6.7 What are musical intervals?
An interval is the fractional
frequency ratio between musical notes.
The ratio of frequency intervals for
Just Intonation is demonstrated below in the scale of C major,
though the same ratios apply to all the major keys:
C (9:8) D (10:9) E (16:15) F (9:8) G (10:9) A (9:8) B (16:15) C
<- Octave
The interval between E & F and
between B & C is a semi-tone, whilst the other intervals are
tones. The interval between any two notes above can be found by
multiplying the intervening ratios; thus if all the above ratios are
multiplied together the resultant is 2 because an octave is twice
the original frequency.
Intervals are also sequentially
labeled; the interval. For instance, in the scale of C major: C D E
F G A B C, the note 'E' is the third note of the scale and the
interval from C to E is therefore called a third. For the scale D
major: D E F# G A B C# D, the third will be F#. The term 'interval'
can also be used to indicate that the notes are sounded together, in
which case there are consonant intervals and dissonant
The notes of minor scales differ from
their major counterparts; one important difference being the
flattened third. E flat is a minor third above the note
The use of Just Temperament causes
serious problems of intonation when music modulates between keys.
Equal Temperament is nearly always used as a compromise to the
problem of tuning (see question 6.6).
See The Oxford Companion to Music,
Percy A Scholes, "interval".
*** 6.8 What causes "helium voice"?
Many people, on hearing the voice of
someone who has breathed helium, believe that the person's speech
pitch has increased.
WARNING - Breathing helium can be
very dangerous.
A cavity will have certain resonant
frequencies. These frequencies depend on the shape and size of the
cavity and on the velocity of sound within the cavity. Human vocal
cords vibrate impulsively (pulse rate is the voice fundamental) in
the vocal tract, generating a range of frequencies above that
fundamental. The vocal tract and cavities enhances various frequency
components imparting the recognizable voice spectrum.
The velocity of sound in helium is
more than twice that in air. The characteristic resonant frequencies
of the vocal tract cavities will be raised in that ratio. The
mechanical resonant frequency of any solid or fleshy tract component
will not be altered by helium, but the result of the higher
resonance frequency of the several vocal tract cavities is to alter
substantially the relative amplitudes of the voice spectrum
components and harmonics thus leading to a significant voice timbre
change and also an apparent pitch change.
*** 6.9 What is structural acoustics?
Structural acoustics is concerned with
the coupled dynamic response of elastic structures in contact with
non-flowing fluids into which vibrations or sound is consequentially
emitted. Conversely, sound in the fluid can excite vibrations in the
The fluid, although non-flowing,
undergoes small-amplitude vibration relative to some equilibrium
position.) For heavy fluids like water, the coupling is two-way,
since the structural response is influenced by the fluid response,
and vice versa. For lighter fluids like air, the coupling may be
either one-way (where the structural vibration affects the fluid
response, but not vice versa) or two-way (as occurs, for example, in
the violin.
Structural acoustics problems of
interest involving water include the vibration of submerged
structures, acoustic radiation from mechanically excited, submerged,
elastic structures; acoustic scattering from submerged, elastic
structures (e.g., sonar echoes); acoustic cavity analysis; and
dynamics of fluid-filled elastic piping systems. These problems are
of interest for both time-harmonic (sinusoidal) and general
time-dependent (transient) excitations. Water hammer in pipes can be
thought of as a transient structural acoustics problem.
Structural acoustics problems of
interest involving the air medium include determining and reducing
noise levels in automobile and airplane cabins.
Reference (for simple geometry
problems): "Sound, Structures, and Their Interaction," Second
Edition, by M.C. Junger and D. Feit, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass
*** 6.10 What is the doppler effect?
When a sound source is moving, a
stationary observer will hear a frequency that differs from that
which is produced by the source. The doppler effect will be noticed
as a marked drop in pitch when a vehicle passes at high speed. An
interesting fact is that doppler for any straight line movement
always sweeps down in pitch!
If one approaches a sound source by
moving toward it with a velocity, v, the frequency of the sound
heard is F=Fo(c+v)/c, where Fo is the emitted sound frequency, c is
the speed of sound in still air and v is the speed of the observer
or the moving source. if one moves away from a sound source, the
sign of v is reversed.
But for an approaching sound source,
the frequency of the sound heard is F=Fo*c/(c-v). For a receding
source the sign of the velocity, v, term is reversed.
The speed of sound in air is
approximately 340 m/s (see 2.11).
Example 1: A sound source, S, emits
1000 waves per second (1 kHz) and is moving directly towards an
observer, O, at a speed of 100 metres per second (equivalent to
approximately 225 miles per hour).
After 1 second the wave front, which
is travelling at the speed of sound, will have travelled 340 metres
from the original source position. Also after that second the sound
source will have moved 100 metres towards the observer.
0 m 340 m
S | | | | | | | | | O
<-------------- 1000 waves ------------------>
100 m 340 m
S | | | | | | | | | O
<------- 1000 waves --------->
Therefore the same number of waves
will occupy a space of 340-100 = 240 metres and the wavelength will
be 240/1000 = 0.24 metres. To the observer the frequency heard will
be the speed of sound divided by its wavelength = 340/0.24 = 1416.7
Example 2: An observer moving at 100
metres per second directly approaches a stationary sound source, S,
which is emitting 1000 waves per second (1 kHz). In this example
there is no change in wavelength. In one second, the observer will
hear the number of waves emitted per second plus the number of waves
which s/he has passed in the time (1000+100/0.34) = 1294.1
Note the interesting result - a
stationary observer with moving source will not hear the same
frequency as a would a moving observer with a stationary
Interesting corollaries are that if
one is confined to movement velocities equal to or less than the
speed of sound, on approaching a sound source, one will observe
frequencies up to only twice the radiating frequency, but if one is
stationary and approached by a sound source, there is no upper
frequency limit.
Thought teaser: Apply these principles
to light, aether, red shift and quasars. What would cause a "blue
*** 6.11 What is white noise, pink noise?
The power spectral density of white
noise is independent of frequency. There is the same amount of
energy within any two different but identically sized frequency
intervals. E.g. 84-86Hz and 543-545Hz. A narrow band FFT analysis of
white noise will show as flat. However octave band analysis will
show the level to rise by 3dB per octave because each band has twice
the frequency range of the preceding octave.
Pink noise is produced by filtering
white noise to have the same power within each octave. Narrow band
analysis will show a fall in level with increasing frequency, but
third-octave band or octave band analysis results will be
see Joseph S. Wisniewski's Colors of
noise FAQ at:-
*** 6.12 When should stranded wire be used for audio cables
in a PA system? What is the "electrical skin
Q:Tim <>
wrote: When should solid core or stranded audio cables be used in
the public addressing system that broadcasts an audio with sound
bandwidth 7kHz? Any reasons for the choice?
A: Art Ludwig - -
provided the following answer and analysis:
For higher audio frequencies, the
"skin effect" in practical conductors forces the current to be close
to the surface. This increases the effective resistance of that
wire. The "Skin depth" - for planar geometry and wire diameters much
larger than this depth - is where the ac current diminishes to 1/e
of the surface value. Round wire conductors should be less than
three times that planar skin depth in diameter for there to be a
"small" effect.
One way to circumvent the problem is
to use stranded wire, each stand insulated from the other and woven
in a special pattern that varies the radius and thus the magnetic
linkage. This is called "Litz wire".
Audio designers may bundle several
smaller gauge insulated wires, stranded or solid, to form a larger
capacity conductor with minimal skin effect. Also, thinner or
stranded wire has a nice flexibility and workability.
The skin depth, delta, is given by:
delta = a/sqrt(f) where delta is in meters, f in Hertz. The
constant, a, is .0642 for silver, .0660 for copper, .0826 for
aluminum, .127 for brass, and .185 for a representative solder. My
reference is "Fields and Waves in Communications Electronics," Ramo,
Whinnery, and Van Duzer, Wiley, 1965, page 289.
It is important to note that for a
wire diameter comparable to the skin depth, The current does not
fall off nearly as rapidly as for the planar case. The Bessel
function solution must be used to get reasonable accuracy. >From
the same reference, define T=sqrt(2/j)/delta. The current in a
cylindrical conductor is proportional to J0(Tr) where J0 is the
Bessel function of order zero, and r is the radius. For a wire 3.2
skin depths in diameter, the current at the skin deoth is 73% that
at the surface, and it is not much lower at the center. (For a
planar surface, current at the skin depth is only 37% of that at the
surface and drops further with depth.) The table below indicates the
increase of resistance and inductance caused by the skin effect for
a single strand of solid copper wire 20,000 Hz. The values of
resistance and inductive reactance are given as fractions of the DC
resistance. The results are a function of the wire radius in
skin-depths, so the results can be scaled to other frequencies by
scaling the diameter by sqrt(20000/freq) AWG diameter(in.) Resistance Ratio Inductive Reactance Ratio
8 .1285 2.02 1.72
10 .1019 1.65 1.34
12 .0808 1.35 1.00
14 .0641 1.17 .70
16 .0508 1.07 .46
18 .0403 1.03 .30
(Ed. Notes: 1-Lowering the
frequency increases the effective diameter at which each ratio cited
applies. Viz the 18 gauge 20 kHz effect would be the same for a wire
of diameter 0.0641 (14 gauge) at 8 kHz.)
2-From the cefficient, a, it is
apparent that: Silver conductors will perform about the same as
copper conductors. The skin depth is about 25% greater in aluminum
(0.0826 vs 0.0660) so that for instance the relative skin effect in
#12 aluminum wire is the same as in #14 copper wire. For brass and
solder, the skin depth is double that of copper or
Art Ludwig concludes with: "Litz wire
- a bundle of woven insulated wires - is designed to reduce the skin
effect. Ordinary stranded wire will not help since the wire strands
are in electrical contact and tend to stay at the same radius from
the center.
"My web site contains a Glossary
including entries on skin effect and Litz wire, in addition to other
sound data. The address is
"A Matlab program is available
(Requires Matlab 5) for computing skin depth effects, current
density, effective resistance, etc., etc. for cylindrical copper
wires of any diameter and at any frequency. Easily changed for other
conductors. It is available on request from
A-Weighting 2.4
absorption coefficient 4.1
accelerometer 3.1
acoustic energy 2.1
Acoustical Society of America
active noise control 6.1
active vibration control 3.3
addition of sound 2.5
air absorption 2.9
ANC 6.1
atmospheric attenuation 2.9
atmospheric pressure 2.1
audibility 2.1
auralization 1.3
C-Weighting 8.2
column speaker 6.3
concert pitch 6.6
dB(A) 2.4
decibel (dB) 2.2
Doppler effect 6.10
dynamic vibration absorber 3.3
ear 2.1
elastic structures 6.9
equal temperament 6.6
equivalent continuous sound
level 2.4
focusing sound 6.3
frequency 2.1
hearing conservation 2.7
hearing damage 2.6
Helmholtz resonator 6.5
historical notes 2.4
insulation 4.3
interference 6.3
interval (music) 6.6
inverse square law 2.9
just intonation 6.7
Leq 2.4
logarithmic scale 2.2
loudness 2.1
loudspeaker 2.1
longitudinal wave 2.1
Lw 2.10
major and minor keys 6.7
masking 2.12
mel 6.6
musical scale 6.6
ocean sound velocity 2.11
octave 6.6
PA cable 6.12
pascal 2.1
passive noise control 6.1
peak level 2.3
phon 2.12
physical constants
Pierce, George W 2.4
pink noise 6.11
pitch 6.6
resonance 6.5
reverberation time 4.1
Sabine, Wallace C 4.1
semi-tone 6.6
skin effect 6.12
sone 2.12
sonic boom 6.2
sonoluminescence 6.4
sound 2.1
sound absorption 4.1
sound cancellation 6.1
sound decay 2.9
sound insulation 4.3
sound intensity 2.2
sound intensity meter 2.8
sound level 2.4
sound level meter 2.3
sound power level 2.10
sound pressure 2.1
sound pressure level 2.3
speech 6.6
speaker 2.1
speed of sound 2.1
structural acoustics 6.9
supersonic 6.2
tapping machine 4.4
third-octave band 8.2
tinnitus 2.6
U-Weighting 8.2
ultrasound 2.9
ultrasound scans 2.7
velocity of sound 2.1
vibration & Seismic (3.4)
vibration control 3.3
voice 6.6
wave 2.1
weighting 2.4
white finger 2.7
white noise 6.11
8] Weighting Tables
*** 8.1
A-Weighting can be found from the
following formulae
For A-Weighting: A(f) =
12200^2 f^4
(f^2 +20.6^2) (f^2 +12200^2) (f^2 +107.7^2)^0.5 (f^2 +737.9^2)^0.5
The weighting in dB relative to
1000Hz is now given by A(f)
20 lg ------- where A(1000) = 0.794
It is convenient to list
A-Weighting at nominal octave or 1/3-octave ("third-octave")
frequencies, for example 1250 Hz or 2500 Hz. Ideally weightings
should be calculated for the exact frequencies which may be
determined from the formula 1000 x 10^(n/10), where n is a positive
or negative integer. Thus the frequency shown as 1250 Hz is more
precisely 1258.9 Hz etc.
At these precise frequencies, the A-
and C-Weighting values are as follows:
*** 8.2 A, C & U Weighting Table (dB)
Nominal Exact
Frequency Frequency A-Weight C-Weight U-Weight
10 10.00 -70.4 -14.3 0.0
12.5 12.59 -63.4 -11.2 0.0
16 15.85 -56.7 - 8.5 0.0
20 19.95 -50.5 - 6.2 0.0
25 25.12 -44.7 - 4.4 0.0
31.5 31.62 -39.4 - 3.0 0.0
40 39.81 -34.6 - 2.0 0.0
50 50.12 -30.2 - 1.3 0.0
63 63.10 -26.2 - 0.8 0.0
80 79.43 -22.5 - 0.5 0.0
100 100.00 -19.1 - 0.3 0.0
125 125.9 -16.1 - 0.2 0.0
160 158.5 -13.4 - 0.1 0.0
200 199.5 -10.9 0.0 0.0
250 251.2 - 8.6 0.0 0.0
315 316.2 - 6.6 0.0 0.0
400 398.1 - 4.8 0.0 0.0
500 501.2 - 3.2 0.0 0.0
630 631.0 - 1.9 0.0 0.0
800 794.3 - 0.8 0.0 0.0
1000 1000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1250 1259 + 0.6 0.0 0.0
1600 1585 + 1.0 - 0.1 0.0
2000 1995 + 1.2 - 0.2 0.0
2500 2512 + 1.3 - 0.3 0.0
3150 3162 + 1.2 - 0.5 0.0
4000 3981 + 1.0 - 0.8 0.0
5000 5012 + 0.5 - 1.3 0.0
6300 6310 - 0.1 - 2.0 0.0
8000 7943 - 1.1 - 3.0 0.0
10000 10000 - 2.5 - 4.4 0.0
12500 12590 - 4.3 - 6.2 - 2.8
16000 15850 - 6.6 - 8.5 -13.0
20000 19950 - 9.3 -11.2 -25.3
25000 25120 -37.6
31500 31620 -49.7
40000 39810 -61.8
* There is some reason to believe
that a very low frequency rollover frequency of 4 Hz may be
appropriate for instruments that are to be used to measure sound
affecting humans.
List of National Acoustical Societies
For standards organizations addresses
see section 1.2
Please let us know if any information
in this list needs amending.
Argentina Argentina Acoustical Association
Asociacion de Acusticos
Argentinos c/o Prof A. Mendez,
Laboratorio de Acustica, Camino Centenario Y 506, 1897 - Gonnet,
Argentina Tel: +54 21 84 2686
Fax: +54 21 71 2721 e-mail:
Australia Australian Acoustical Society Private Bag 1, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010
Tel: +61 2 331 6920 Fax: +61 2 331
Austria Austrian Acoustics Association c/o Prof Ewald Benes, Technische Universitat
Wien, Institut fur Allgemeine
Physik, Wien, Austria Tel: +43
1 58801-5587 Fax: +43 1 5864203
Belgium Belgian Acoutics Assosciation (ABAV)
Av. P Holoffe 21, 1342 Limelette,
Belgium Tel: +32 2 653 88 01
Fax: +32 2 653 07 29 e-mail:
Brazil Sociedade Brasileira de Acustica
Attn Prof Samir Gerges, Universidade
Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica, Campus
Univeritario, C.P 476 CEP
88040-900, Florianopolis - SC, Brazil Tel: +55 48 2344074 Fax: +55 48 2341519
Canada Canadian Acoustical Association
PO Box 1351, Station F, Toronto,
Ontario, M4Y 2V9, Canada Tel:
+1 514 343 7559 or +1 613 993 0102
Chile Sociedad Chilena de Acustica San Francisco # 1138, Santiago, Chile
. Tel/Fax: +56 2 555 63 66 or +56 2
551 79 20 e-mail: with copy (Cc) to:
China (PRC) Acoustical Society of China 17 Zhongguancun St., Beijing 100080,
Czech Republic Czech Acoustical Society Technicka 2, 166 27 Prague 6, Czech
Republic. Tel: +420 2 24352310
Fax: +420 2 3111786 e-mail:
Denmark Acoustical Society of Denmark c/o Department of Acoustic Technology, Bldg.
352 - Technical University of
Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Tel: +45 4588 1622 Fax: +45 4588 0577
Finland Acoustical Society of Finland c/o Helsinki University of Technology,
Acoustics Laboratory, Otakaari
5 A, FIN-02150 Espoo, Finland Tel: +358 9 451 2499 Fax: +358 9 460 224
France French Acoustical Society Societe Francaise d'Acoustique 23 avenue Brunetiere, 75017 Paris,
France Tel +33 1 48 88 90 59
Fax: +33 1 48 88 90 60 e-mail:
Germany German Acoustical Society Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Akustik
c/o Department of Physics Acoustics,
University of Oldenburg, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany Tel: +49 441 798 3572 Fax: +49 441 798
3698 e-mail:
Greece Hellenic Acoustical Society Patision 147, 112 51 Athens, Greece
Tel or Fax: +30 1 8646 065
Hong Kong Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics
PO Box 7261 Hong Kong Fax: +852 2886 3777 e-mail:
Hungary Scientific Society for Optics, Acoustics...
(OPAKFI) Fo utca 68, H-1027
Budapest, Hungary Tel/Fax: +36
1 202 0452 e-mail (c/o Andras
India Acoustical Society of India c/o Dr S Agrawal, CEERI Centre, CSIR Complex,
Hillside Road, New
Delhi-110012, India Tel: +91
11 5784642 e-mail (c/o
National Physical Lab):
Italy Associazione Italiana di Acustica
Istituto di Acustica "O.M.
Corbino" Area della ricerca di
Roma Tor Vergata Via del Fosso
del Cavaliere 00133 Roma
Italy Tel. +39 6 49934480 (ask
Mrs. Cappelli) Fax: +39 6
20660061 E-mail:
Japan Acoustical Society of Japan Nippon Onkyo Gakkai 4th Floor, Ikeda Building, 2-7-7 Yoyogi,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan Tel:
+81 3 3379 1200 Fax: +81 3 3379 1456
Korean Republic
The Acoustical Society of
Korea, c/o 302-B, The Korean
Federation of Science and Technology, 635-4, Yeoksam-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul-city,
135-080, Rep. of Korea Tel:
+82 2 565 1625 Fax: +82 2 569 9717
Mexico Mexican Institute of Acoustics Instituto Mexicano de Acustica c/o Sergio Beristain, P.O. BOX 75805,
Col. Lindavista 07300 Mexico,
D.F. Tel +52 5 682 28 30 Fax:
+52 5 523 47 42 e-mail:
Netherlands Netherlands Acoustical Society Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap
Postbus 162, NL-2600 AD, Delft,
Netherlands Tel: +31 15 26 92
442 Fax: +31 15 26 92 111 e-mail:
New Zealand New Zealand Acoustical Society c/o J. Quedley, CPO Box 1181, Auckland, New
Zealand Tel: +64 9 623 3147
Fax: +64 9 623 3248 e-mail:
Norway Acoustical Society of Norway Norsk Akustisk Selskap Sintef Telecom and Informatics, N-7034
Trondheim, Norway Tel: +47 73
59 26 45 Fax: +47 73 59 14 12 e-mail:
Peru Acoustical Society of Peru Sociedad Peruana de Acustica Garcilazo de la Vega 163, Salamanca de
Monterrico, Lima 3, Peru Tel:
+51 1 4351151 Fax: +51 1 4675625 e-mail:
Poland Polish Acoustical Society Polskie Towarzystow Akustyki Instytut Akustyki, Uniwersytet Adama Mikiewicz,
ul J.Matejki 48/49, 60-769
Poznan, Poland Tel or Fax: +48
61666 420 e-mail:
Portugal Portuguese Acoustical Society SPA - CAPS/Instituto Superior Tecnico, Av.
Rovisco Pais 1096 Lisboa
CODEX, Portugal tel: +351 1
841 9393/39 fax: +351 1 352 3014 e-mail:
Romania Romanian Acoustical Society Societatea Romana de Acustica c/o Nicolae Enescu, Universitatea Politehnica
Bucuresti, Splaiul
Independentei nr. 313, 77206 Bucuresti, Romania Tel: +40 1 4101615 Fax: +40 1 4104488
Russia East-European Acoustical
Association ( 44, Moskovskoe Shosse,
Saint Petersburg, 196158, Russia Fax: +7 (812) 1279323 e-mail:
Acoustical Society 4 Shvernik
ul, Moscow, 117036 Russia Tel:
+7 095 126 7401 Fax: +7 095 126 8411 e-mail:
Singapore Society of Acoustics Singapore c/o W Gan, Acoustical Services Pte Ltd
209-212 Innovation Centre, NTU
Nanyang Ave, Singapore 639798
Fax +65 791 3665 e-mail:
Slovakia Slovak Acoustical Society c/o Prof Stefan Markus, Racianska 75, PO Box
95, 830 08 Bratislava 38, Slovakia Tel: +421 7 254751 Fax: +421 7 253301
South Africa South African Acoustics Institute
c/o John R. Hassall Acoustics, Noise and Vibration
Consultancy Email:
Tel: +27 11 403 1163
Spain Spanish Acoustical Society Sociedad Espanola de Acustica Serrano 144, E-28006 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 1 5618806 Fax: +34 1
4117651 e-mail:
Sweden Swedish Acoustical Society Svenska Akustiska Sallskapet c/o Ingemansson AB, Box 47 321 S-100 74 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 8 744 5780 Fax: +46 8 18 26 78
Switzerland Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur
Akustique Societe Suisse
d'Acoustique Postfach 251,
8600 Dubendorf Tel: +41 1 823
4743 Fax: +41 1 823 4793 e-mail:
Turkey Turkish Acoustical Society - TAS
Y.T.U. Mimarlik Fakultesi
Yildiz, 80750, ISTANBUL/TURKEY
Tel: +90 212 259 70 70 ext:
2772 Fax: +90 212 26105
49 e-mail:
UK Institute of Acoustics 5 Holywell Hill, St Albans, Herts, AL1 1EU,
UK Tel: +44 1727 848195 Fax:
+44 1727 850553 e-mail:
USA Acoustical Society of America 500 Sunnyside Blvd., Woodbury, NY 11797,
USA Tel: +1 516 576 2360 Fax:
+1 516 576 2377 e-mail:
10] FAQ
Angelo Campanella*
Michael Carley
Gordon Everstine Johan L Nielsen Torben Poulsen Larry Royster Chris Ruckman Asbjoern Saeboe Jesper Sandvad Andrew Silverman**
* Acoustics FAQ file Editor January
1998 ff ** Originator and
original architect of this acoustics FAQ file!
updated 23-Apr-2002. Web Site by Point & Click Software,
Inc. |